Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Future of Music Coalition: Artist Revenue Stats

Just a note to point out that the Future of Music Coalition have begun releasing the stats from their Artist Revenue Project - most recently publishing the data for their ARS Financial Case Studies.

There are five case studies - a Jazz Bandlear/Composer; an Indie Rock Composer/Performer; a Jazz Sideman/Bandleader; a Professional Orchestra Player and a Contemporary Chamber Ensemble member.

They state: "Drawing from 4-12 years of accounting data provided by the artists, each case study graphs and explains their musician-based sources of income over time. The reports also include annual revenue pies, and a look at income versus expenses and net profit over time. Some case studies also include more detailed breakdowns, such as PRO royalties by territory, or session work by bandleader."

You can read more about it here:
Future of Music Coalition, Music By The Numbers: ARS Financial Case Studies Released (19 March 2012) < > at 21 March 2012

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